
Dream Act



Title of Resolution:

2011.2.R4: Dream Act

WG-USA Resolves:

…to encourage action and support among members and others for the passage of the U.S. Dream (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) Act at the national level and at the state level in related legislation improving the educational opportunities of alien minors brought into the U.S. as children.

Plan of Action:

At this time there are no action items.

Supporting Statement:

This resolution supports the work of the Working Group on Access to Education for Women and Girls in that the DREAM Act will make possible higher education opportunities, grants, and scholarships currently reserved for students with legal status in the U.S. Alien minors who were brought to the U.S. years ago, illegally, through no fault of their own, are in immigration limbo with no recourse to improve their condition or to graduate and obtain jobs. The Working Group has chosen to focus our initial efforts on immigrant high schoolgirls, and the Dream Act directly relates to the undocumented immigrants among that group.

In July, 2011, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a CA version (a more limited version) of the Dream Act, and Gov. Quinn signed a similar one in Illinois on Aug. 5, 2011.

Financial Implication for WG-USA:

At this time no cost is anticipated.

Suggested Resources: 

At this time there are no suggested resources.