Victims of Violent Sexual Assault
Title of Resolution:
2015.1.R12: Resolution to Support Women and Girls Who Have Been the Victims of Violent Sexual Assault
WG-USA Resolves:
…to research the issue of the backlog of untested rape kits in the USA and to devise a practical plan of action to involve members in addressing it.
Plan of Action:
WG-USA will learn the scope of the issue and become aware of other organizations involved in solving the problem. WG-USA will then devise a practical plan to join in this effort.
Supporting Statement:
Various sources estimate an accumulation of more than 400,000 untested rape kits nationwide since 2013. The DNA information possibly contained in this evidence has the potential to solve many violent crimes against women.
Financial Implication for WG-USA:
At this time no cost is anticipated.
Suggested Resources:
At this time there are no suggested resources.